I know I know! My heart is pounding with really amazing exciting feelings toward this coming trip.
Oh my?! But how did time past such quickly? The day I felt so much reality is today and I'm flying to
Stockholm tomorrow. Ohh already and finally! Awesome, odd and surprising feelings in my heart.
See you guys in two weeks here, or I'll maybe appear also when I'm in Sweden. Puss!
Pasta. Seems that it literally means "Paste" or "dough" in Latin.
What I got interested in is that there is a law which you need to make pasta by semolina and water if you want to
make dried pasta in Italia. (from Wikipedia) Very Italian, isn't it? :) Feel like going to Italy and learn every kinds of
pasta in the future, really! What I made today might be called "Japanese styled pasta." I used cuttlefish pickled in salt.
Actually, I have no idea how to call it in English. In Japanese, it's called "Ika no Shiokara" which is salted squid with its
guts. Sounds eww?? It tastes so good with rice, and it is one of the traditional Japanese food.
It tastes thick and salty, so you may be able to use that instead of Anchovy.
I cooked this pasta with ingredients like the salted squid, garlic milk, black pepper, the skins of yuzu(Japanese citrus) and
qing-geng-cai(or Japanese mustard spinach). When milk and the thick taste of squid get mixed, it tastes like cheese.
This is one of my Japanese styled pasta I often make. People in Japan can maybe try that. ^^
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あっ、 この写真は、 最近おつまみ代わりに食べてるニンジンwithマヨネーズ&にんにく味噌。
久々のSTHLM!! 初めての秋を満喫したいなと思います。わずか2週間弱の滞在ですが、きっと初めての
経験もまたあることだから楽しみです!! 行きたいところも沢山ありますが、時間の流れは日本と違う国だから
その時間に身を任せてのんびり過ごしたいなと思います♪ 旬のKantarellerとかリンゴで料理するのが楽しみです。